Thursday, September 13, 2012

Welcome Henry!!!

Our new Texel ram lamb from Silvara Farm in Laceyville will be arriving Monday!  His name is Henry and we are very excited about him.  Here is a sneak peak pic.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

New Addition...

After meeting with some wonderful people earlier this week, we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of a new addition...more details to come shortly...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Our Website!!

If interested I have our website up and running have a look if you like...I'd love to hear any thoughts.   Just click on the link below and thanks so much for visiting.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Trials and Tribulations

"Life is the only art that we are required to practice without preparation, and without being allowed the preliminary trials, the failures and botches, that are essential for training" LEWIS MUMFORD
I could easily say that my sheep have caused very few worries or troubles for me over the years that I have kept them, however when things go wrong they can go spectacularly wrong! My final check in with the sheep was last night later than usual after dark but there was a gorgeous full moon and I was confident the sheep would all be in the barn settled for the night as they always are...I was wrong. When I arrived in the barn it was completely quiet and empty. Rather unusual but I did not panic, I grabbed the flashlight and started walking to the loafing shed, my thought was that surely they bedded down in the shed for the night. Upon inspection the loafing shed was empty. Well then certainly they must have taken to sleeping under the apple tree in the full moonlight, on such a beautiful evening they had to be beneath the shelter of the ancient tree. A short walk to the tree revealed not even one sheep. As much as I wanted to, now was not the time for hysteria. I crisscrossed first the center field then the two adjoining fields, no sheep! This continued till well after midnight. With wild thoughts of my sheep most definitely being consumed by one of the many predators we have in the woods surrounding the pastures I gave up the search till daylight. Bears, coyotes, bobcats oh my! Back to the barn this morning to renew my search with the fervent hope that the sheep had only been snoozing in a patch of tall grass toying with their shepherdess and returned to the main barn waiting for breakfast. This was not the case. Still no sheep...anywhere. I searched and called, shook the cookie container, whistled till my lips wouldn't work and then began questioning the neighbors. I am so fortunate that I have some really lovely neighbors who are kind beyond measure. Ringing the bell on the closest neighbors' doorstep I found out that the sheep were indeed 'on the lamb' and had most likely spent the night and early morning in their back yard! Armed with this new intelligence I widened my search only to continue to meet with failure. On what I was beginning to believe would be my final sweep before calling on all my friends to assemble into a massive search party I heard a twig snap then some rustling branches...I had walked down to and around the side of one of the ponds where there is a wetland area, swampy and muddy since we have had such a wet season. There are in this area old hemlock trees and dense underbrush that makes the going a bit of a challenge. At this point I caught a glimpse of white fluff! One sheep confirmed, two sheep, three sheep and so on. Thank goodness all were safe and sound if not seriously spooked. Once they saw me they quickly fell in line for cookies and we marched back to the barn. With the fall season just about here predators become more assertive, whatever it was that scared my flock really really scared them. Thankfully everyone is safe and sound and new security measures are to be undertaken. Everyday is a learning experience I guess!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Meet the sheep

Hi my name is Hawthorne Manor McCloud I was the first American Cheviot lamb to be born this year. My birthday is March 20th. I am for sale and think I will make a really awesome flock sire next year.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Welcome to Hawthorne Manor Farm

Welcome to Hawthorne Manor Farm. My flock and I are located in the mountains of North Eastern Pennsylvania. Currently our flock includes registered Cheviot sheep and registered heritage Olde English Southdown Babydoll sheep. you can contact us at we would love to hear from you